
About me

- April 06, 2017

Together for twenty years, my wife and I are closer and more in love than ever. Together we've collaborated and created three wonderful boys, and one adorable daughter who are growing into strong, smart, and lovely men & women.
Playing and collecting tabletop games is my hobby du jour, and I love it.
I'm a recovering foodaholic, and struggle with that on a near hourly basis. I do my best to take it one day at a time, and stay as healthy as possible. Additionally, I try to do a bunch of exercises in a row.
I've curated and maintained leihu.com (you are here) since 2001. Labor of love and all that, learn more.
leihu.com has been featured in books, blogs, and galleries all over the web. I'm eternally thankful.
I hang out online like it's my civic duty. Anywhere you see a jmathias or a jmathiasxiii, chances are you just ran into a cyber-instance of me. You can reach me via email. And to the right you'll find a short list of where else you might find cyborg us.



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